
Supporting innovation, investment and enterprise.

The BVCA communicates the strength of the venture capital and private equity investment model to government, policy-makers and regulators, and we ensure our members are informed with regular policy and technical updates.

Influencing and shaping policy

Our policy work focuses on shaping the tax, legal, regulatory, accounting, reporting and governance environment that our members operate in, both in the UK and internationally. Learn more about this work below. 


Key Policy Areas

Find out how we shape the business and economic agenda and view the latest updates on technical, taxation and legislative matters.


Policy Submissions

Use this library to view our contributions and responses to relevant consultations, from both UK government and other bodies, at home and abroad.


Industry Guidance & Standardised Documents

The BVCA, with the support of its committees, releases a number of documents to serve as guidance and as an educational tool to both entrepreneurs and new and potential investors.


Policy & Technical Publications

Designed to keep members informed of the latest policy and technical developments affecting our industry.


Investment Compact for Venture Capital & Growth Equity

A commitment by UK venture capital and growth equity fund managers to develop a long-term and constructive working relationship with UK pension investors.


Useful resources & further reading

For further information please contact the BVCA Policy Team

Get in touch


Update your login details

We updated our website and supporting systems on 12th December. 

If you previously had an account, please reset your password. If it's your first-time logging in, please register to create an account. For assistance, please contact the BVCA Membership Team
