ESG Knowledge Hubs

Section 5 | BVCA Responsible Investor Toolkit

Climate and Net Zero

The BVCA supports the objectives of the Paris Agreement and welcomes the commitment from the UK and a growing number of major economies to achieve Net Zero by 2050. The BVCA is actively encouraging the PE and VC industry to sign up to initiatives such as iCI, SBTi, IIGCC and Ceres. Via developing and sharing best practice and guidance specific for private capital, these initiatives are supporting private capital to work with their portfolio companies to reduce their carbon emissions, set science-based targets and secure sustainable investment performance by recognising and incorporating the materiality of climate risk. Further detail on the role of private equity and venture capital can be found here.

Additional Resources

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  • ICi Guidance on navigating the voluntary carbon market – ICi have released a guidance document on the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) and its broader implications for private markets. The guidance aims to educate private markets on the VCM and how to adopt a responsible and informed approach to carbon credit procurement that is aligned with a science-based reduction strategy and explores different investment pathways within the VCM.
  • Net Zero Investment Framework component for private debt – The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGC) has released a Net Zero Investment Framework (NZIF) for private debt.

    The NZIF provides guidance for asset owners and managers to align their portfolios with net zero emissions by 2050, focusing on decarbonisation at the borrower level in the private debt market.
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  • Valuing Carbon in Private Markets | Sustainable Markets Initiative – Guidance written by the Sustainable Markets Initiative Private Equity Task force (PESMIT) for private market investors on how to develop a framework to consider the incorporation of carbon, both cost and opportunity, into the entire investment decision-making process.
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  • Venture Climate Alliance – The Venture Climate Alliance is made up of a growing group of leading VCs committed to achieving a rapid, global transition to net zero or negative greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or earlier.
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  • Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative – The VCMI is an international non-profit organization with a mission to enable high-integrity voluntary carbon markets (VCMs) that deliver real and additional benefits to the atmosphere, help protect nature, and accelerate the transition to ambitious, economy-wide climate policies and regulation.



The growing threat to the nature of biodiversity loss, predominantly through climate change has been becoming increasingly apparent, pushing the issue high onto the agenda of the global community.

Action to attempt to combat this potential threat was put in place with the agreement of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) at the UN Biodiversity Conference - COP 15 in December 2022, which included a commitment by 188 nations (including the UK) to the 30x30 target, a target to conserve 30% of the world’s land and ocean by 2030.

Private capital is becoming increasingly aware of the risks posed by biodiversity loss and the role that it can play in helping reduce and conserve the natural environment and is increasingly looking at ways to integrate biodiversity considerations into their investment approach.

Below are some links to emerging best practice guidance specific to the PE/VC sector on how to integrate biodiversity considerations into the investment process, in addition to the Task Force for Nature Financial Disclosures (TNFD) framework.

Additional Resources

  • WBCSD’s TNFD pilot - World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) – The World Business Council for Sustainable Development have run a pilot and reported a summary of the pilot member business experiences using the TNFD, including learnings, challenges, illustrative applications, and examples. The pilot provides guidance on the TNFD’s LEAP approach, using case studies, and disclosure recommendations.
  • Private Equity | Sustainable Markets Initiative – A report produced by the Sustainable Markets Initiative’s (SMI) Private Equity Task Force to act as a resource for private equity firms at all stages of their biodiversity journey, and to facilitate conversation and learning.
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  • The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure – The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) has developed a set of disclosure recommendations and guidance for organisations to report and act on evolving nature-related dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities.
  • The Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) – The Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) is a collaboration of leading global non-profits and mission-driven organizations working together to equip companies as well as cities with the guidance to set science-based targets for all of Earth’s systems.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

An integral part of the BVCA’s mission is to promote diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) within our industry and support firms to build inclusive environments in which everyone can thrive. Click the button below to read more about how the BVCA is supporting and working with our members to help promote DE&I.



Impact investors intentionally seek to achieve positive, measurable, social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. In the UK, it is a fast-growing investment approach. To find out more about how the BVCA is supporting the asset class and how impact investing works, click the button below.

Supply Chains

Recent global events such as the global pandemic and extreme weather events, are increasingly shining a spotlight on organisations’ value chains and how these social and environmental events can impact them. This, coupled with increasing investor scrutiny, societal pressures, and regulatory burden, is pushing the topic further up the agenda. With firms now being asked to think about extending the boundary of their responsible investment policies, this has encouraged a deeper into their value chains.

The links below provide some useful best practice.

Additional Resources

  • The United Nations Global Compact Action Platform has listed six commitments to action for Decent Work in Global Supply Chains: More information on the commitments can be found here >
  • The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) intergovernmental organisation includes various resources on supply chains amongst other resources. Find out more here >  
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  • Read a blog post, written by Tomas Sys, UK M&A ESG Advisory Lead of Ramboll, a global engineering, architecture, and consultancy company. This insight piece looks at 10 essential steps to mastering supply chain diligence. Read here >


Cyber Security

The World Economic Forum's latest report (2023) on global risks ranks cybercrime and cyber insecurity within the top ten risks to business. Cyber-attacks are increasing worldwide, with research recently published by Check Point, 2023 reporting an 38% increase of global cyber-attacks in 2022. As a result, cyber security and information security are now a key agenda item for many organisations.

The links below provide some insight into the risks and guidance on how to prepare and address risks.

Additional Resources

  • The Principles of Responsible Investment have provided guidance to help investors assess how their portfolio companies are addressing cyber security risks and how to use governance to build cyber resilience. Read more here >
  • Check Point has reported key statistics on global cyber-attacks in 2022 and has provided cyber safety tips. Read more here >
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  • Gartner Analysts explore the future of cybersecurity, and how executive performance evaluations will be increasingly linked to the ability to manage cyber risk. Read their eight top predictions here >


Mental Health/Wellbeing

Research published by Deloitte, in March 2022 estimates that in 2020-21 absenteeism, presenteeism and labour turnover caused by poor mental health increased by 25% compared to 2019 figures, costing businesses up to £53-£36 billion in 2020-21, which equates to 2.6% of the UKs annual Gross Domestic Product.

As a result, mental health and wellbeing are key agenda items for many organisations. Below are some links to emerging resources and research.

Additional Resources

  • Deloitte’s full 'Mental Health and Employers’ report looks into the costs to employers of poor mental health and the returns on investing in support measures to improve mental wellbeing. Read the report here >
  • The Mental Health at Work Commitment provides resources, tools, advice and recommendations for prioritising mental health in the workplace. This includes 6 standards for employers to implement. Read more here >
  • The Federation of Small Businesses have guidance on how to prioritise wellbeing within a business of any size and sector. Read more here >
  • Mental Health First Aiders England has a guide for employers, which lays out how to create a mental health policy and implement mental health first aid within your company. Read the guide here >
  • Mind Charity has several resources for supporting staff mental health. Read more here >
  • The BVCA podcast 'The Mindful VC' explores approaches to mental health for founders and investors. The guests discuss the practical steps that VCs can take in supporting founders, how LPs consider mental health in the funds they invest in, and the impact of tech on mental health more broadly. Listen here >



The BVCA is an excellent source of industry information and best practice on ESG. The Diversity and Inclusion Studies published by the BVCA and Level 20 have been incredibly useful in enabling us to hone where we focus our efforts to continue improving our internal policies, procedures and culture to make NorthEdge a welcoming and inclusive employer so that every member of the team feels comfortable bringing their whole selves to work. We firmly believe that teams with diversity of background are more likely to have diversity of thought which is proven to lead to better decision making.

Lucie Mills

Lucie Mills

Partner, NorthEdge


Explore other sections in the Toolkit



What is an ESG Strategy

Section 1 | BVCA Responsible Investor Toolkit



Section 2 | BVCA Responsible Investor Toolkit


Monitoring & Reporting

Section 3 | BVCA Responsible Investor Toolkit


The VC Perspective

Section 4 | BVCA Responsible Investor Toolkit


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