Back2Work (B2W)

Back2Work (B2W) is a skills and training provider focused on pre-employment and employability training, bootcamps and apprenticeships.

B2W delivers a clear social impact by helping people return to work and gain new skills for employment. It works with large employers and job centres to provide high-quality training to upskill and support unemployed people in getting paid employment. B2W focuses on upskilling workers beyond the minimum wage poverty trap and into better-paid careers.

Recent funding has come predominantly from the Adult Education Budget (AEB) and delegated to the Mayoral Combined Authorities (MCAs), where new deployment rules allow for better targeting of local employment and training needs. In Greater Manchester, the funding was used to offer free level 2 training for all, including those without qualifications, allowing anyone in the area to apply for career-enhancing level 2 training, which B2W and others delivered.

Since 2020, B2W have trained 6,996 people through the Greater Manchester Combined Authority contract, of which 3,111 have progressed into employment or further education. Those who have achieved job outcomes have accumulated earnings that exceed the equivalent of someone working 16 hours per week for 26 weeks, earning the National Living Wage. This is the best outcome of all training providers in the Greater Manchester region.

“Since launching the business in 2011 Back2Work has always strived to deliver services that create a lasting impact, on the wellbeing, living standards and economic and environmental sustainability of the communities that we serve.”

Luke Muscat, CEO, B2W Group


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We updated our website and supporting systems on 12th December. 

If you previously had an account, please reset your password. If it's your first-time logging in, please register to create an account. For assistance, please contact the BVCA Membership Team
